IUI (Intrauterine Insemination)

The chances of pregnancy after one IUI cycle, if done under the age of 35 are 10-20 per cent. For women between the ages of 35-40 their chances even get lower by 10 per cent, whereas women above 40 have only 2-5 per cent of chances to get pregnant.

When is IUI recommended?

It is a non-invasive and very less expensive treatment option for infertility when compared to other treatment options like IVF and ICSI. Below listed are some causes for which IUI is recommended-

• Unexplained infertility

• A hostile cervical condition, including cervical mucus problems

• Cervical scar tissue from past procedures which may hinder the sperms’ ability to enter the uterus

• Ejaculation dysfunction

• Erectile Dysfunction

What is the procedure of IUI?

To finally achieve the positive results for which there is an estimated chance of 10-15%, you should carefully go through an IUI step by step treatment explanation of the complete procedure.

1. Preconception Admonishing from Doctor

Many doctors suggest for this step of taking medical advice from IUI specialist before you get started with fertility treatment of IUI. In this part, the doctor advises you about how to focus on your maternal health by taking some medications, carefully planning your diet, etc.

The doctor may examine you and suggest tests to determine the specific causes that are hindering the process of natural pregnancy in your body. Further, the cause will help to see if IUI treatment process will work for you or not and if it does how effective will it be for you with respect to your infertility reasons.

2. Ensuring Production of Eggs

Women usually do this on their own for finding the perfect timing or insemination of sperm for IUI pregnancy while they are ovulating. If she have earlier problems with ovulation and have been through unsuccessful IUI procedures then doctors may prescribe oral drugs to deal with and stimulate ovulation.

The stimulation of ovulation can also be done by injecting drugs directly into your body. However, this process has now been reduced as it had resulted in the release of multiple eggs further creating a severe risk of multiple pregnancies in women.

3. Tracking your monthly cycle

There are various methods to track your ovulation cycle; you can do it by tracking your cervical mucus and measuring its temperature. Whereas, various ovulation cycles tracking kits are also available to effectively tracking your ovulation cycle. Tracking ovulation cycle determines about the days you are ovulating so that you can go to the doctor within 24-36 hours for further procedure.

4. Harvesting of sperm

You can either use fresh sperm or the old frozen sperm for IUI treatment. If you are using a fresh one then your partner or your acquired sperm donor will need to be there. In case of non-availability of fresh sperm, there are plenty of other donated or frozen sperm that you can use for fertilization.

The frozen ones are defrosted for you if you need it by the clinic itself. After defrosting, the sperm is washed to clear out impurities if any. Most of the sample part and less of the fluid of the sperm is used, so that more amounts of sperm can result into more chances of the egg to get fertilized.

5. Insertion of sperm

After washing and clearing out all impurities of the sperm, the core IUI step by step treatment starts. The doctor inserts a thin long tube which is also called catheter in medical terms; it is medical equipment which helps in planting sperm in your uterus to carry out IUI procedure.

The sperm is inserted into the uterus through your vagina passing through your cervix area and the tube then releases the sperm into your uterus. IUI procedure is the fertility treatment which is completely painless but it has been seen in some cases that mild cramps may occur while going through the procedure.

Expected Result: The chances of pregnancy after one IUI fertility treatment cycle, by age: Under 35: 10 to 20 percent chance of pregnancy. For women between 35 and 40: 10 percent chance. Women 40 and above: 2 to 5 percent chance.

Recovery Timeline: Being a very simple and small procedure, it does not require much of your time. You need to be in India for a period of just 2-3 weeks. Additionally, you have to plan to visit the fertility specialist at least a week prior the scheduled dates of female partner’s periods.

Cost for IUI in India:

India is a forerunner in the world of medical tourism. IUI treatment in India is extremely affordable compared to what people would pay in their own country. India also has the highest number of experienced IUI specialists on par with the other countries. English speaking staff is useful since the patients can converse. In other countries like Thailand and Mexico, language is a big barrier. Infertility treatment in India will cost approximately ranging from USD 3000-6000 and USD 500-1000 for Infertility Evaluation by our specialists.

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