Preparing for your visit

Things to pack and what to expect at Vejthani Hospital

To get here safely, you can contact experts of Vejthani Hospital for travel guidance and services.

What to bring

Acceptable masks at Vejthani Hospital

Acceptable masks at Vejthani Hospital

All patients, staff and visitors are required to wear a mask while being in Vejthani Hospital property.

Recommended and acceptable masks

Due to the growing wave of infection from the omicron variant and the urgent need to strengthen all layers of protection against COVID-19, Vejthani Hospital is asking all patients and visitors to wear surgical/procedural masks. Patients and visitors will be offered Vejthani Hospital-provided surgical/procedural masks when they go through the screening process or when they check in. Patients with unacceptable masks, which are those with exhalation valves, neck gaiters or bandanas, will be required to wear medical-grade masks (surgical/procedural, N95 or KN-95), whether they are provided by Vejthani Hospital or patients provide them.


Surgical or procedural masks (tie or ear loop)


N95 or KN-95 masks without vents

Cloth masks

Unacceptable masks

Masks with vents


Neck Gaitors

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